Natasha Moutran, appleyoga teacher and mentor

Natasha's creativity makes her classes enjoyable and fun, while always bringing her students back to find their centre. She is always eager to learn and develop her practice, insight and knowledge as both a yogi and a teacher and knows that this path will be a never ending journey of discovery. She hopes to share this passion and excitement with her students, inspiring them in both their classes and in life. 

Natasha came to yoga, like most people, with no idea what an amazing effect it would have on her life. She started meditating at a young age and so when she tried various exercise classes at the gym, yoga quickly became a favourite, combing all the things she enjoyed. Being a teenager at the time, the yoga practice hadn't become regular until at 21 she went on a holiday during which she decided to attend two yoga classes and a meditation class each day. The effects of a regular practice was incredible, and from then on she was hooked.

During this time Natasha found that there was a lot more yoga could offer than simply exercise; it allowed her to be the best possible version of herself. She decided to extend this enlightenment into helping others find balance, stay calm and feel grounded in the hectic city life. Natasha completed her 200hr Teacher Training with appleyoga, going on to continue her studies with appleyoga, training as a pre & postnatal yoga teacher.

She is very grateful to all the wonderful and inspiring teachers that have helped her on her journey and enjoys sharing her skills, knowledge and insight with her students. Natasha's creativity makes her classes enjoyable and fun, while always bringing her students back to find their centre. She is always eager to learn and develop her practice, insight and knowledge as both a yogi and a teacher and knows that this path will be a never ending journey of discovery. She hopes to share this passion and excitement with her students, inspiring them in both their classes and in life.

What are you inspired by? 
Nature and people who smile from the heart

Why yoga? 
Because it keeps me connected to my true self

If yoga did not exist what exercise would you turn to?
Wakeboarding, mountain climbing, Skiing .. and always liked the idea of being a surfer but am yet to give it a go.

What music do you listen to?
Everything and anything... at the moment it's mainly rock, folk, acoustic and alternative music.

Favourite Asana?
Pigeon - makes me melt!

Hardest Asana? 
Pincha mayurasana - It's one to work on.